FLiCRA is made up of residents of Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) located throughout Florida. By joining FLiCRA today, you are helping protect your personal interest and financial investment for years to come. Your FLiCRA membership helps provide:
FLiCRA has been successful to date due to its broad-based support from residents. In order to continue effective advocacy for resident’s rights and welfare, FLiCRA needs a chapter in every CCRC and every resident to belong.
Member Section
CCRC Finances Guide Book Order Form
Chapter Legislative Handbook Order Form
Chapter Promotions Package Order Form
Guide to Operating a FLiCRA Chapter
FLiCRA has developed a new membership video that highlights all of the reasons why membership is so important. Please share with your colleagues and if you are not a current member, consider joining today.
FLiCRA is a statewide nonprofit association of residents living in Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) and is comprised exclusively of residents. FLiCRA is your voice at the Capital and protects resident rights by monitoring and advocating legislation. We currently represent more than 13,000 residents and it would be a valuable benefit for those in your community to be part of the ranks.
Persons who do not reside in CCRC’s as licensed under Chapter 651, F. S., nor in other residential facilities from which support services are purchased, yet who wish to participate in or support the activities of FLiCRA may become Affiliate Members of the organization. Affiliate members may not vote on matters before the organization.
Membership rates are listed below:
Annual Dues
Single Person: $22.00
Two Persons in a Unit: $37.00
Lifetime Membership
Single Person: $200.00
Two Persons in a Unit: $325.00
This nominal amount of money delivers an invaluable sense of community and assurance that you are supporting the organization that speaks for you.
Join FLiCRA today and make your voice heard by Florida legislative and regulatory agencies.
Please Note: FLiCRA does not accept credit cards for dues payments. Once you complete the membership form below, an invoice and information on how to pay will be emailed to you.
Join FLiCRA today and make your voice heard by Florida legislative and regulatory agencies.
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